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2023/8/2 14:31:21 648次浏览 分类:新闻资讯,行业新闻



The below has been sent by the UK Department for Business and Trade today with regards to indefinite extension of the acceptance of the CE mark for the UK market.

Announcement on continuing CE Recognition

Today we anounced that the Department of usines and Trade intend to introduce epislation to extend recognition of the CE marking for placing a wide range ofgood.

on the marketin Great Britain.

The continued recognition of UKCA and CE for some product sectors fors part of the wider Smarter Regulation programme of regulatory reform announcements, thatbegan in May with pubication of Smarter Regulation to Grow the Economy. Smarter regulation is about mproving regulation across the board ensuring it is as cler apossible and only used where necessary and proportionate.

We intend to introduce legislation to further extend recognition of the CE marking for Great Britain.This wil continu to allow recognition of goods that meet EUrequirements, using the EU conformity marking (including the CE marking) in England, Scotland and Wales.This wil provide flexibility for businesses to use either the CE or UKCA marking, This aproach wll also provide longer-term certainty for businesses and a foundation forthe UK to set our product regulations in the future.

This CE recognition approach will apply to regulations that fall under the Department for Business and Trade. These are:

There are diferent rules for medical devices,construction products, cableways, transportable pressure euipoment,unmanned aircraf systems, rail products, marineecuipment and ecodesien,The reevant departments covering thee regu ations have communicated or wi communicate pans in cue courseThe CE markin is already recognised i Morthern lreland. Businesses there wil contnue to enioy unfettered access to the GB market and the EU single market. As suchthe CE marking will be an acceptable method of demonstrating compliance for a wide range of goods on the UK market.


